Maison Troglodyte, Dordogne – Proportions & Sizes of Canvases

‘Maison Troglodyte dans la Vallée de La Couze’ 65 x 54 cm (25,5 x 21,3 inches approx) Medium Size Oil on Canvas © adam cope ‘Maison Troglodyte dans la Vallée de La Couze’ Detail This is the same place that I described in the post : Watercolour of an Owl Hut built into a Cliff…

Watercolour of an Owl Hut built into a Cliff in Dordogne

Watercolour of an Owl Hut built into a Cliff in Dordogne ‘Maison Troglodyte’ means literally a troglodyte’s house, or a subterranian house built into a cliff-face. Here the mouth of a cave has been converted into a little house with a door & two windows, with stone bench in front with the typically Périgordian motif…

Cliff in the Vezérè Valley, Dordogne – ‘Sous La Ruth No.2’

‘Sous La Ruth No.2’ Watercolour. 30 x 42cm – A3 © The Artist. related posts in the rocks & cliffs & prehistory categories: Cliff in the Vezérè Valley – ‘Sous Le Ruth, No.1’  How to draw rocks & cliffs part one How to draw rocks & cliffs part two How to draw rocks & cliffs…

Cliff in the Vezérè Valley – ‘Sous Le Ruth, No.1’

‘Sous Le Ruth, No.1’ Watercolour. A3 – 29 x 42 cm © The Artist. Typical rock formation of overhanging cliffs in the Vezérè A5 sketchbook How to draw rocks & cliffs part one – Marcilhac sur Célé – stone lithography How to draw rocks & cliffs part two – Pen & Ink-Leonardo da Vinci-Stone Lithography…

Caves in art – Ruskin

‘Inside Looking Out’ Watercolour & Ink. 25 x 32cm © The Artist. Actually it’s not a cave but an overhang. RUSKIN on Landscape painting   The landscape painter must always have two great and distinct ends: the first to induce in the spectator’s mind the faithful conception of any natural objects whatsoever; the second, to…