Stone lithograph of a cliff – “the elephant” ‘The Elephant’ – Drawing of a Cliff. Graphite, biro & watercolour. A3 © Adam Cope We, mankind, arose amidst the wandering of the ice and marched with it. We are in some sense shaped by it, as it has shaped the stones. Perhaps our very fondness for…
Category: Fine Art Printmaking
Fine art Printmaking. Stone lithography & etchings. Artist Printmaker, a painter who loves printmaking. Pierre Presse atelier. Galerie Ap’Art.
What does ‘Medium’ Mean in Fine Art Practice? The same view in three different mediums.
Interesting to see the same landscape view in three different mediums : drawing, watercolour & stone lithography. Different material, different effect. Each medium is good for certain effects. In the above three images,, watercolour is delicate colours & brushmarks, conté is so immediate & so fresh, lithography is good for a design, a powerful composition.…
Pen & Ink-Leonardo da Vinci-Stone Lithography – Mythological Images from Prehistory
Second Posting of Two : Marcilhac sur Célé – Pen & Ink – How to Draw Rocks, Cliffs … & Comets??? – Leonardo da Vinci – Stone Lithography – Mythological Images PART ONE OF THIS TWO-PART POSTING – How to draw rock & cliffs ‘La Vallée de Célé depuis La Croix de Renard’ 1996 Ink…
Marcilhac sur Célé – how to draw rocks & cliffs -stone lithography
First Posting of Two Posts part two, second post – Leonardo dea Vinci’s drawings of rocks ‘Postcard from Marcilhac sur Célé’ 1996 15 x 10 cm Stone Lithography © The Artist. Edition sold out. My Personal Experience of an Artist’ s Residency In 1996, I won an artist-in-residency to make limited editions of stone lithographs…