Exhibition in Bergerac – oil painting of a forest – Biron, Dordogne

  ‘Le Fôret de Biron’Oil on Canvas65 x 54 cm (approx 26 x 22 inches). © Adam Cope Exhibition of paintings by Adam Cope La Maison des Vins de Bergerac, (CiVRB) la Cloitre des Recollets, quai salvetat, Bergerac 17 – 24 August Over sixty watercolours & oils on show in this beautiful space by the…

School Report 2011, Chateaux Painting Holidays, SW France

A warm ‘bonjour’ to everyone! I hope you are well & happy 🙂 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calm & creative NEWS OF THE PAINTING WEEKS AT CHATEAU DE BEDUER School report of the three courses in 2010….No problems with any of the courses…and anyway, it’s been known for ages that there’s never any corporal punishment in the art…

Exhibition – St.Emilion, The Little Gallery

My paintings of vines are currently exhibited at The Little Gallery in St. Emilion till 9 April. They return on show permanently after May, all things being equal, as a ‘gallery artist’. Nice to be showing permantly in the best gallery in town :-)St. Emilion really is an amazing place, one of the epi-centres of…

Magazine Article & The End of Winter!

‘Lou Plantou’ Oil. 2004 61 x 50 cm ©adam cope sold [button color=”green” size=”medium” align=”center” link=”https://www.artists-atelier.com//piantings/Vines”]paintings of vines[/button] France’s leading wine magazine Terre de Vinspublished a nice article about me, a painter who paints vineyards Souvent les gens jugent un tableau à première vue, mais come le vin, l’œuvre si elle est réussie doit permettre…