Magazine Article & The End of Winter!

‘Lou Plantou’ Oil. 2004 61 x 50 cm ©adam cope sold
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France’s leading wine magazine Terre de Vinspublished a nice article about me, a painter who paints vineyards

Souvent les gens jugent un tableau à première vue, mais come le vin, l’œuvre si elle est réussie doit permettre d’aller chercher un second goût. La phase de conception est très important car ce sont ces arrières saveurs, ces seconds arômes qu’il va falloir faire remonter  – Adam Cope, Magazine ‘Terre de Vins’ Jan/Fev2009 – lire l’article

Other news is that the wild geese have been migrating back to SW France during the last week. Flying overhead, often around evening time, their wings cutting throught the air,making a slicing whooshing sound, that makes the heart leap with joy! This is a sure sign of the end of winter. YIPEE!


If you know SW France , then you’ll love the photo-blog of my friend Boguy : IMAGES EN PERIGORD