The Aviform Prehistoric Geometric Sign – Drawing of a Cliff & Birds.

A romance, a dream, a fantasy. These cliffs in Quercy Périgord, where the people of the Ice Age once lived. They mark my mental landscape, as they must have also made a deep impression on the minds of the hunter-gatherers. Romanticism attempts an affective fusion between person & her enviroment. Science attempts to practice detached…

Stone Lithograph of a Stone Cliff . Dogen : Rock face as geological life

Stone lithograph of a cliff  –  “the elephant” ‘The Elephant’ – Drawing of a Cliff. Graphite, biro & watercolour. A3 © Adam Cope We, mankind, arose amidst the wandering of the ice and marched with it. We are in some sense shaped by it, as it has shaped the stones. Perhaps our very fondness for…

Karst Landscape at the End of Winter

  ‘Karst Landscape’ unfinished state Large Oil on Canvas 81 x 65 cm (approx 32 x 26 inches) © The Artist.Detail Karst topography is a landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually carbonate rock such as limestone. ‘Les Anglais, Brenques’ (Célé Vallée, Lot) 1996 Ink, papier Moulin…

More on Lascaux

photo: wiki commons from Lascaux – Le Puit (The Well) has had a site update on Lascaux. All the info you could want is here (in french) including a precise history of the mould attacks (but not with the accompanying/precedent preservation actions). La ministre de la Culture Christine Albanel s’est rendue sur place…

Initial Report by Scientific Comittee of Lascaux to Symposium

Marc Gauthier, President of La Comiteé Scientifique du Site de Lascaux reportedthat the black stains were still present on the rock walls, but reckoned that the situation was not ” sufficently worrying for a new chemical treatment” (my translation) following on from that of jan. 2008.According to Mr.Gauthier, the black stains were presnt on fourteen…

Watercolour of an Owl Hut built into a Cliff in Dordogne

Watercolour of an Owl Hut built into a Cliff in Dordogne ‘Maison Troglodyte’ means literally a troglodyte’s house, or a subterranian house built into a cliff-face. Here the mouth of a cave has been converted into a little house with a door & two windows, with stone bench in front with the typically Périgordian motif…

International Symposium ‘Lascaux & Preservation in Underground Settings’- The Paintings of Lascaux under Serious Risk

photo:wiki commons This is the second post of the big art story of SW France. Here is the first part: Unesco Threatens to Put Lascaux Caves on Endangered List The Paintings of Lascaux under Serious Risk ” Since the year 2000 the cave has been beset with a fungus, variously blamed on a new air…

Unesco Threatens to Put Lascaux Caves on Endangered List

This is the first part of the big art story here in SW France. You can read part two here:   International Symposium ‘Lascaux & Preservation in Underground Settings’- The Paintings of Lascaux under Serious Risk   La Grotte de Lascaux – The official website of Lacaux, graciously published by the French Government, just stunning!!!…

A Prehistoric Shelter at Sergeac, Castelmerle, Dordogne

‘The Abandoned Cradle’ Watercolour. 43 x 36cm © The Artist. Take the footpath from Castelmerle towards La Conquil. Pass La Souqette, the Vézère way down below. These rearing cliffs, overhanging rocks, vertiginous. Wild. Our ancestors lived here thirty thousand years ago. Continous habitation. Now abandoned. Our abandoned cradle. ‘Notre berceau abandonée’.Today, a mute feeling of…

Norbert Aujoulat dessiné dans la style de la Grotte de Cussac

‘Norbert Aujoulat dessiné dans la style du Grotte de Cussac’ graphite A5 sketchbook © The Artist. ‘Norbert Aujoulat dessiné dans la style du Grotte de Cussac’ As portraits, my drawings don’t really resemble Dr.Aujoulat but, if you’ll excuse the mammoth pun, they’re OK as ‘on the hoof’ sketches…. ‘dans lou cochon, tout est bon ….…