Some Poems that I’ve ‘Illustrated’ (or Have Inspired Me to Make Paintings)

ALLEN GINSBERG  – SUNFLOWER SUTRA (Adam Cope – ‘A Perfect Beauty’, watercolour 2010, A4 prints available). Here’s an excerpt : A perfect beauty of a sunflower! a perfect excellent lovely sunflower existence! a sweet natural eye to the new hip moon, woke up alive and excited grasping in the sunset shadow sunrise golden monthly breeze!…

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The Aviform Prehistoric Geometric Sign – Drawing of a Cliff & Birds.

A romance, a dream, a fantasy. These cliffs in Quercy Périgord, where the people of the Ice Age once lived. They mark my mental landscape, as they must have also made a deep impression on the minds of the hunter-gatherers. Romanticism attempts an affective fusion between person & her enviroment. Science attempts to practice detached…

Stone Lithograph of a Stone Cliff . Dogen : Rock face as geological life

Stone lithograph of a cliff  –  “the elephant” ‘The Elephant’ – Drawing of a Cliff. Graphite, biro & watercolour. A3 © Adam Cope We, mankind, arose amidst the wandering of the ice and marched with it. We are in some sense shaped by it, as it has shaped the stones. Perhaps our very fondness for…

What does ‘Medium’ Mean in Fine Art Practice? The same view in three different mediums.

Interesting to see the same landscape view in three different mediums : drawing, watercolour & stone lithography. Different material, different effect. Each medium is good for certain effects. In the above three images,, watercolour is delicate colours & brushmarks, conté is so immediate & so fresh, lithography is good for  a design, a powerful composition.…

Don’t Fall Off!

some watercolours from last autumn in the Célé valley. Vertigo?   Impossible blue sky but true…  yes true deep blue with only free wheeling birds 🙂 The blue sky that envelops us all… that evokes a sense of freedom in me 🙂