On the Hoof 1

‘On the Hoof 1’ pencil & ink A5 sketchbook © The Artist. Drawing of a Cow & her  calf  lying down   first of  a series of bovines…look further in this blog to follow the herd


mixed media in watercolour painting The term ‘mixed media’ should be mentioned here as well. But then where does mixed media ever stop? Motor car engine & pencil on paper? Definitions can be troublesome. Interesting that the paint manufacturers & merchants use another set of defintions to those of art societies etc. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transparent &…

More on Lascaux

photo: wiki commons from Lascaux – Le Puit (The Well) Fr.Wikipedia.org has had a site update on Lascaux. All the info you could want is here (in french) including a precise history of the mould attacks (but not with the accompanying/precedent preservation actions). http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grotte_de_Lascaux La ministre de la Culture Christine Albanel s’est rendue sur place…

Maison Troglodyte, Dordogne – Proportions & Sizes of Canvases

‘Maison Troglodyte dans la Vallée de La Couze’ 65 x 54 cm (25,5 x 21,3 inches approx) Medium Size Oil on Canvas © adam cope ‘Maison Troglodyte dans la Vallée de La Couze’ Detail This is the same place that I described in the post : Watercolour of an Owl Hut built into a Cliff…

Initial Report by Scientific Comittee of Lascaux to Symposium

Marc Gauthier, President of La Comiteé Scientifique du Site de Lascaux reportedthat the black stains were still present on the rock walls, but reckoned that the situation was not ” sufficently worrying for a new chemical treatment” (my translation) following on from that of jan. 2008.According to Mr.Gauthier, the black stains were presnt on fourteen…

Watercolour of an Owl Hut built into a Cliff in Dordogne

Watercolour of an Owl Hut built into a Cliff in Dordogne ‘Maison Troglodyte’ means literally a troglodyte’s house, or a subterranian house built into a cliff-face. Here the mouth of a cave has been converted into a little house with a door & two windows, with stone bench in front with the typically Périgordian motif…

International Symposium ‘Lascaux & Preservation in Underground Settings’- The Paintings of Lascaux under Serious Risk

photo:wiki commons This is the second post of the big art story of SW France. Here is the first part: Unesco Threatens to Put Lascaux Caves on Endangered List The Paintings of Lascaux under Serious Risk ” Since the year 2000 the cave has been beset with a fungus, variously blamed on a new air…

Drawing of Mother & Child – attachment theory – Bed Time Story 9

‘ML & E’ sanguine A5 sketchbook – double spread © The Artist. attachment provides a secure base   ” (according to Bowlby) … attachment provides a secure base from which the child can explore the environment, a haven of safety to which the child can return when he or she is afraid or fearful. As…