Drawing of Mother & Child – attachment theory – Bed Time Story 9

‘ML & E’
A5 sketchbook – double spread
© The Artist.

attachment provides a secure base


” (according to Bowlby) … attachment provides a secure base from which the child can explore the environment, a haven of safety to which the child can return when he or she is afraid or fearful. As the young child develops and matures, this style of interacting becomes more static and less open to change.” – Attachment in Children, Wikipedia

Bed Time Story 9
A5 sketchbook double spread

This is a five minute pose – ‘sur la vif’ – from life, with all the wiggling & jiggling that children (& most adults) do. Lines (like feelings & habits… both good & bad) are echoed throughout the group.

File:Eskimo Family NGM-v31-p564-2.jpg

Eskimo Family NGM-v31-p564-2.jpg

photo wiki commons (NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE 1917)

wiki commentary : “AN ESKIMO FAMILY. Tenderness and responsibility in their treatment of children is a virtue of the Eskimo which binds them closer to the brotherhood of civilized peoples than their skill at carving or with the needle.”


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