Watercolour Portraits Using the Direct & Indirect Methods

‘M’ watercolour Quarter Imperial Sheet © adam cope Painting into the dusk. Fading light. Blur & indefinition. When the self feels its way into the soul of the world. The feelings that pass between artist & model.A strictly limited palette. Three colours only. Winsor & Newton. Artists Viridian, Indian Red, Permanent Magenta. The tonality is…

Of lawns & high grass

‘Le Village’ Watercolour Quarter Imperial sheet 28 x 38 cm 150 € ex P & P © adam cope May is the time of tending lawns. I like the huge expanse of green in the above painting, a calm foil for the details & foliage clustered around the focal point. A perfectly manicured lawn in…


mixed media in watercolour painting The term ‘mixed media’ should be mentioned here as well. But then where does mixed media ever stop? Motor car engine & pencil on paper? Definitions can be troublesome. Interesting that the paint manufacturers & merchants use another set of defintions to those of art societies etc. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transparent &…

A Prehistoric Shelter at Sergeac, Castelmerle, Dordogne

‘The Abandoned Cradle’ Watercolour. 43 x 36cm © The Artist. Take the footpath from Castelmerle towards La Conquil. Pass La Souqette, the Vézère way down below. These rearing cliffs, overhanging rocks, vertiginous. Wild. Our ancestors lived here thirty thousand years ago. Continous habitation. Now abandoned. Our abandoned cradle. ‘Notre berceau abandonée’.Today, a mute feeling of…