Here’s a photo of me in front of one of my paintings last Friday at the opening night. Thanks to Dominique Lieppe, photographe extraordinaire! Besides me is the chateau director, Arnaud with a bottle of Chateau Masburel dry white. We really did have some delicious wine that night for sure & it was a pleasure to talk with vignernons & wine buffs about the culture of wine.However, recently, there’s been a few photos of me in front of ‘mes ouevures’ .. with bottles & glasses of wine. Somewhat worryingly…as I feel I should have my brushes, as that’s all I really have.
Clint Eastwood wisely advised not to take oneself too seriously…. but to take one’s craft very seriously.
I love teaching as well as painting. Us teachers don’t really have paint brushes; they aren’t our most important ‘tool’ . IMO, our most important ‘tool of the trade’ is the ability to listen & communicate.Help to discover for oneself …
[button color=”green” size=”medium” align=”center” link=””]What makes a good painting tutor?[/button]
Here’s a photo of me in a teaching dialogue (& loving very minute of it).
All I can think about is the immutable Cézanne in front of his easel with his brushes.
Oil on canvas
36 1/4 x 28 3/4 in
Collection the Artist’s Family, Paris