Plein-Air Painting Materials 3 : The Hang-Up Brush Caddy

I went online to visit Judsons Art Outfitters – Home of Pochade Boxes and Plein Air Supplies since 1987, as it’s always interesting to see what’s happening ‘the other side of the water’. A fair few of the students who come to my Chateaux Painting Holidays, France come from the States, so over the years, I’ve seen close-up some of the materials that you can’t find in Europe. Here’s a little beauty that really is ‘super handy’ & has been a missing link in my kit for years.

Here’s what Judson has to say about this part of the Guerilla Painter pochade box easel:

The Hang-Up Brush Caddy:
” Super handy. Will fit in the (121.12) Brush Tray or hang off the side of your french easel and holds 10 or more brushes. Use the handle to lift it out and hang it from any of the three front edges of any size of Guerrilla Box. Also, the Palette Extension Kit (132.12) has a pre-cut slot to hold the Caddy. White enameled aluminum. “

Wow! after years of placing brushes on the ground, stepping on them & sometimes even leaving them behind… a pesky missing link that always worried me.

Here’s how I used to do it : rolled up in a brush holder. This “ol’ faithful” is ten years old.

TIP: Brushes are often damaged in transit. Their tips are fragile & sliding around inside boxes can bash their delicate tips, even oil painting hogs. I roll my brushes up in a clean clothe rag every time.

Gotta get one of those ‘guerilla hang-ups’ !!! I thought about the shipping to Europe before I loose all my brushes 😉

Here’s one I cobbled together (ML thought I had really gone funny when she saw me rushing about the house all excited about… a plastic box ). It doesn’t fit neatly ino my french easel unlike how the smart guerilla hang-up fits well into the integral guerilla system. The result of which is that my improvised hang-up hangs around extraneously & is one more bit of kit to carry (drop). You get what you pay for. One day I will have a guerilla to carry my hang-ups.

It is however bright, always an advantage when there’s hunters around.

Life is good when you’ve got hang-ups, ahhhh thanks Judsons. Now for a guerilla box… I wonder do they ship to Europe?

What’s the best way to ship gear to Europe? I’ve shipped paintings to the States before with never a worry.

It looks like a really good shop. Judsons Art Outfitters – Home of Pochade Boxes and Plein Air Supplies since 1987