Sanguine Portrait of a Child

‘Sourire Toujours’
Sanguine Portrait of a Child
Hanhemaille ‘Nostalgia’
© The Artist.
Been off holidaying with my wife & two young children. Family time. We went to Britanny, near Carnac with its standing stones (which really caught my boy’s imagination!) & its beautiful silver sand beaches.

We stayed with some good old friends, a Breton & a Provençale, who also have children. The Mum’s a professional nanny. Sharing the pleasures & woos of parenting. Two families with young children. I did the above portrait of their daughter as a gift to her. I only do portraits only when it feels right. Mostly of friends & family. I enjoy scutinising people whom I enjoy. Would hate to do the ‘mug’s game’ for a living. They were pleased with the likeness. The young girl showed the portrait to all her friends, so it wasn’t a dud. Hope she will still enjoy it in sixty years time. ‘Sourire toujours’. These hopes that parents have for their children. Childhood.