A Torch for Nocturnes
By the time you’ve painted a sunset, it’s dark. You’ve got to pack up your materials, and get back to car. It’s pitch black & probably muddy. Maybe you’re a bit tired & spaced out after a hard painting session. It’s dark and you’ve got to find all your stray painting materials. So you need a torch to find your brushes & paints etc, carelessly strewn on the ground whilst in creative fever. Honestly this is an expensive & negligent habit, and it only gets worse in the dark. Brushes cost & to leave them behind in the night is ‘false expense’ to say the least.
Selection of Nocturnes 2002
‘Three Lamps’
© the artist
‘Le Pont de Bergerac’
© The Artist
‘La Maiso Peyarade, Bergerac’
©The Artist
I looked at buying a torch that can be strapped to ones head. Handy for nocturnes. Even if it might look a bit ridiculous.
WAYNE THIEBAUD with a torch…
I’ve been doing some research into WAYNE THIEBAUD recently (posting to come soon) & I came across this. Is he wearning a torch strapped to his head? In his studio? What does this mean? It’s daylight. Is it a joke?