Painting of Peach Trees

‘Pêchers des Vignes 1’
30 x 40 cm
Oil on Canvas Board
© Adam Cope
150 € via PayPal, P&P included

Painting of Peach Trees

These peach trees are typical of south west France, where traditionally they are planted alongside the vines. They fruit at the same time as the vines but are even more susceptible to mildew rot than the vines themselves, and thus act as an early warning alarm for the wine growers.In the above painting, they are planted in an orchard of prune trees. I guess they like shelter as they are vulnerable to frosts & winds, being a ‘Tree of the Warm South’. In autumn they have the most glowing colours.

Here’s a painting from 2007:

‘Deux Pêchers des Vignes’
Oil on MDF Panel
30 x 40 cm ( approx 12 x 16 inches)
©Adam Cope

Fichier:Peches de vigne.JPG
photo – wiki

Les autres noms de la pêche et du Pêcher -En latin : Prunus persica, anglais : Peach tree, allemand : Pfirsichbaum , en Arabe : Khawkh,
en Danois : Fersken, en Espagnol : Melocoton, en Hollandais : Perzikboom, en Italien : Persico,
en Suédois : Persiketräd, en Russe : Piersika, en Flamand : Perzikbomen