Today I run another painting holidays au chateau de lanquais, france.
Painting together in group, learning, wining & dining & visiting beautiful new places! Above is a photo of a goup besides the beautiful dordogne river.
For me, as a teacher & course leader …. I see teaching as a two way exchange. I’ve learnt alot about painting whilst teaching it these last fifteen years. You get to know a subject when you’ve taught it a lot, explained it, demonstrated it, observed other solutions to shared & common problems/issues in painting. Helped others find their own way to paint. Watched over the shoulder of others whilst they paint. Compiling & planning my lessons, doing the background research, writing my how-to-paint books.
I woke up early this morning and wondered just where this summer has flown to?
Time passes & I guess as a painter, I judge my progress & achievements uniquely in terms of how many good paintings that I make & how much progress I make in terms of quality & vision. But then , it can’t be just that…. Art & Life, finding the time amidst my many other commitments, which makes for a busy life .
But, hey, who hasn’t got a busy life? One would expect to be busy whilst in your forties.
And then there’s that old, old, old question of earning money…
Anyway, gear shifts, changes of activities, the hope for a balanced life, with a love for creativity at its core & the simple wonder at the miracle that is LIFE.
I mean to thoroughly enjoy the teaching & the company this week!