38 x 46 cm. Oil on Panel.© The Artist.
Back painting again & it felt good. Incidentally, the sunshine is back as well after a week’s absence. It’s been cold.& rainy here, a paradise for the slugs. Spoke to the farmer who confirmed what I suspected, that the young sunflower plants had indeed suffered a slug attack, which is a shame as the fields of these brave & sunny flowers is one of the heartlifting sights of the South West.
BTW, the oak in this painting is the same as in this painting from last summer. A landmark for miles around. Although it was not done as part of this ‘ a painting a week’ project, I post it because personally I like to see paintings of the same spot grouped together. Categories, not chronology. It’s done from the other side, looking up the hill, over a field of yellow corn.
Corn belt summer.. so, so, so good 🙂
‘Ble & Chene’ 65 x 50 cm. 2006. sold.