The Great Sphinx of Giza
Fascination lasts.
Some disconfabulation : The Great Sphinx of Giza is an Old Kingdom Sphinx & is not to be confused with the later day Sphinx of Oedipus & the Greeks. Though the riddle of its meaning remains. Orion Belt astrological figure dating from Altantis? Sekhmet Lioness of the Desert? Guardian of the Pyramids? Guide for the Rebirth of Pharaoh? New Kingdom Horus-on-the Horizon?
Two excellent pages on Wikipedia on Sphinx & The Great Sphinx of Giza, as well as this site
One thing about Ancient Egyptian art is that animals are everywhere. Some humans have the head of animals and some animals have the head of a human, like the above lioness. The crocodiles are very ‘animal’ too in the sense they retain their ‘animalness’ & aren’t simple pictograms for directions (like road signs are simple pictograms for road-code orders)
an artists travel sketchbook of egypt … Carnet de Voyage en Egypte 2001
A5 Sketchbook
Watercolour & Ink
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A5 Sketchbook
Watercolour & Ink
© Tous Droits Reservés
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