Telly fans 9 – Child Portrait Tips

telly fans 9
‘telly fans 9’   – Valentin watching television
drawing of a child – graphite, sketch book


Maybe this looks like what Vally might look like some years on from now? Compare it with ‘Telly Fans 8’ below. Can you see the difference in age?
telly fans 8
‘telly fans 8’  –  Valentin watching television
graphite, sketchbook.


Getting the age right is an essential part of a portrait, especially for a portrait of youth. Portraits of old age are easy in comparison! For example, wrinkles. Wrinkles are a clue that indicates the age of the sitter. Their presence in a drawing or painting are frequently due to the simple fact of just too many marks & strokes i.e. a lack of an economy of means, which is the ability to get it right first time.

My fellow-painter friends who do portraits for money tell me that flattery works every time. They consciously take ten years off the resemblance by knowing the markers that indicate youth & tweeking them.

QUESTION : Can you identify the elements in the above drawing that indicate the age of the sitter?

(I reckon there’s about ten of them)