Some things about this painting were niggling me, so this is now as far as i can take this image. Generally, about painting architecture in oils in small scale paintings, such as 30 x 40 cm…. difficult! At least,it’s a subject I’ve always preferred to tackle in drawing & watercolour. I find it easier to get the pencil or the pen or the watercolour brushes into such small spaces. Maybe I’m trying to shrink to much into to little space, given my painting style, which veers towards the large stroke?
30 x 40 cm. Oil on panel.
Why paint a post card view? Is it too much of a cliché? Should an artist seek a new take or an odd angle to defamilarise the overly-familar?
This is THE VIEW. It is however just incredibly spectacular. The ‘veduta’, and if you string together a series of ‘veduti’ you arrive at the formula of the tourist guide books. A series of cliché views. Acquire these & you have visual confirmation of your holiday. Now much visited. Still spectacular.