‘Le Truffier 1′ (Truffle Woods)’
medium size oil on canvas
36x 48cm (approx 15 x 14 inches).
© Adam Cope
Light & shade in this old truffle wood in the Lot. ‘Chene de Causse’, the semi-desert oaks of Quercy. Orchids, wild fowers & seed heads. The high grass which ‘paysans’ used to mill, ‘La Mouliné’, indicating the presence of water somewhere below, well-hidden in the micro-fissures in the karst limestone. It turns a beautiful silver yellow, retaining all winter long a bleached reminder of summer heat. The apparent softness of early summer grass only superficially hides the underlying toughness of the landscape. Monsueir Vincent (Pere), whom I’ve known for over twenty five years, has been trying to regenerate this ancient truffle wood, along with honey, peaches & saffon crocus elsewhere in these woods. Not an easy task as truffles retain something of their elusive sylvan mystery.
# En 2002, le prix moyen était de 390 €/kg.
# En 2003, le prix moyen était de 1 200 €/kg.
# En 2004, le prix moyen était de 900 €/kg.
# Le mardi 23 décembre 2008, 150 kilos de truffes ont été vendus à des prix oscillant entre 250 et 900 euros le kilo, lors du quatrième marché officiel de Lalbenque (Lot), au cœur du Quercy