J.G.VIBERT – Paintings of Painters Painting; Drawings of Draughts-Persons Drawing

J-G.VIBERT ‘The Delights of Art’
This is an illustration for his satrical short story ‘ The Delights of Art’ (The Century magazine, 1896), in which a sun beam discusses with the curtain the merits of the Cardinal’s éclatiste painting ( literally ”dazzlers’ being the name that some critics gave the Impressionists, with their brighter colour & extensive use of low tonal contrast). reproduced in John Cage ‘Colour & Culture’ pp.223.

Vernis de Vibert – Vibert’s Varnish for painting painting

Vibert also has a very good varnish named after him – Lefranc & Bourgouis, I think… Lovely shiny highly transparent varnish that makes the oil painting look wet & fresh. Ages well, I sometimes use it. Good degree of elasticity. I like to imagine that he made the recipe, like Isabey made the brushes, like Cotman made the watecolours… generic names or historical fact?


Paintings of Painters Painting : Drawings of Draughts-Persons Drawing

All levels welcome, from genius to absolute beginner.

I thought it might be fun to gather together a few of the images from ‘Le Musée Imaginaire’ (André Malraux). Images of paintings of painters painting or drawings of draughts-persons drawing. Painting holidays or painting workshops are great occasions to practice this subject.

Do you have an artwork of this type of subject? I’m going to create a static web page for these when I’ve done a ’round-up’. If you’d like to be included, why not send me a web-ready image (72 dpi – 500 pixels largest dimension) (to me at blog365-at-artists-atelier.com), and I’ll include it. Don’t forget to tell me your URL if you want a backlink. It could be fun to get all these images together. Pourquoi pas?

All levels welcome. Preferably your own work. Ongoing Project, no deadline. Please spread the word & pass on the invitation! Everyone welcome.