Fauvist Barns 3 : Red in Landscape Painting

‘Sechoir à Tabac 2’ (Tobacco Drying Barn)
Oil on MDF panel
30 x 40cm (approx 12 x 16 inches).
©adam cope
for sale

Red in landscape painting acts as a magnet

Red in a landscape acts as a magnet for my eye. The red oxide corrigated tin door catches my eye every time I drive past. Red barn & red oxide earth, blue sky, black shadows. I go for compositions that prioritise colour, though not I don’t systemmatically heighten every colour.
Heightened colour = where the colour is pushed back to the most saturated, most intense. Back to ‘pure’ colour straight from the tube, the ‘mother’ colour of the mixes.

Same barn as in ‘Sechoir à Tabac 1’. Same issues. Muted colour (‘anti-fauve barn’) or heightened ‘fauve’ colour:

…paint a rusty barn & keep it browny rust , rather than let it go over into heightened colour RED. –  Adam in the post  Fauvist Barns 1 : Muted Red & not Heightened Colour

..trying to keep a barn door rusty brownish red, rather than letting it slip into heighten, saturated colour RED. With a painter’s confession – there’s always apart of me that wishes to paint all bright & fauve. Or least prioritise colour in a composition.  – Adam in the post Fauvist barns, heightened colour…Vlaminck & Kandinsky

‘Sechoir à Tabac 1’
30 x 40 cm.
Oil on Panel.
© The Artist.
150 euros via PayPal

POST-SCRIPTUM : well…. why not? I  want red? I’ll give myself red. Here’s one of my painting that’s red, primary red & with no subtle deviations…

‘Three Cherry Trees’
30 x 40 cm
oil on board
© the artist

2017: POST SCRIPTUM … Here’s a green barn. A tobacco drying barn with planking painted green. Fun!


Fauvist Barns 1 : Muted Red & not Heightened RED
Fauvist Barns 2 : Fauvist Barns, Heightened Colour…Vlaminck & Kandinsky
Fauvist Barns 3 : Red in Landscape Painting

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