Sept Rangs de Cot Rouge

‘Sept Rangs de Cot Rouge’
28 x 38cm (15 x 11 inches).
© The Artist.

Red colour in autumn vine leaves

Seven Rows of ‘Cot Rouge’, a parcel of Cot (better known as Malbec) between fourteen rows of Cabernet Franc & on the otherside, I think there was a parcel of Cabernet Sauvignon rouge. If you want red colour in the autumn leaves of your vines, then malbec is your plant. BTW, this plantation had a glorious south-west aspect, the overcast evening sunlight sporadically shining through the leaves. I’ll be going back to this place for sure!

post script 2013 :

They grubbed out this field, probably beciase it was a pole-mole of too many different cepages & probably alos because i’m beginning to benieve that it(s’ the old, less intensely tended , wilder vines that give the bests colur in their leaves.