How to Book your Deep Dordogne Painting Holiday au Domaine de Cugnac

st Avit Seniuer Dordogne arts workshop

Welcome to our online boutique. Book, pay, and access resources like materials lists and FAQs.

You pay Adam Cope & Domaine de Cugnac separately.

Price for One Painter

Adam’s Teaching Fee per painter
(includes trips out with a tourist guide)

760 (60 returning student discount)
Accommodation & Cuisine (Domaine de Cugnac)
One guest alone in an ensuite, all food & drinks

Price per Painter Sharing The Appartment

Adam’s Teaching Fee per painter
(includes trips out with a tourist guide)
760 (60 returning student discount)
Accommodation & Cuisine (Domaine de Cugnac)
Per guest sharing the Appartment

Price for One Accompanying Non-Painter

Adam’s Fee for a Non Painter (includes trips out with a tourist guide)125
Accommodation & Cuisine (Domaine de Cugnac)
One guest sharing an ensuite with a painting partner

You have already made the first step! (Your enquiry). Please don’t hesitate to ask if there’s any questions.

booking process

Step 2. Fill in the Booking Form

Terms & Conditions are at the bottom of the booking form.

booking gif

Step 3. Pay the Course Fees 2025

What is included in the painting course fee:
  • 6 full days plus 2 half-days (welcome afternoon & departure morning) painting course with Adam Cope.
  • Small group size : 7 Max students.
  • A day trip painting in St Avit.
  • A day trip painting in one of France ‘most beautiful villages’ plus guided excursion with a local tour guide.
  • Free ebook guide to materials & plein-air painting written by Adam. Plus THE SPLIT-PRIMARIES, an online course for introduction to painting workshop.
  • Painting furniture (easels, boards, sun umbrellas, stools, etc) & solvents, rags, pots, etc.

Payable upon booking with seven days.
Upon payment, you receive a receipt as PDF attachment. If you are paying v ia Wise, my bank details will appear on the receipt. Make teh bank draft, let me know & then I’ll let you know when it arrives.

Deep Dordogne Course Fees 2025


VAT not applicable (TVA non applicable article 293 b CGI). –    

50€ Off for Returning Students. Use code ‘returning student’ at checkout.
For bank wire/drafts via Wise, my banking details will appear on the following page (received order).
Product total
Options total
Grand total

Resources for the Painting Course

Links to PDF files

Watercolour Materials List

Drawing Materials List


Deep preparation

procces reservation

Step 4 : Reserve your Accommodation

You book directly with the accommodation providers after having paid the teaching fees. Simply email Marie-Lawrence to reserve the accommodation that you require.

Payment of Accommodation & Cuisine Fees two weeks before start date.

What’s included in the Accommodation & Cuisine
  • Use of studio & swimming pool.
  • 7 nights accommodation.
  • Regional cuisine with fresh local produce, mostly organic.
  • All meals & wine.
  • Non alcoholic drinks & water
  • Tea & coffee.
  • Self-service.
  • Possibility vegetarian.
What’s not included in Accommodation & Cuisine
  • One evening meal in a restraurant when we go on a trip out. Count about 35€

“Thank you so much for everything you have done in planning the course and providing such a delightful learning environment. It was a joy to meet you again and to bask in the continual stream of remarkable teaching you provide, in so many different ways. It was an amazing course, with very good company and truly wonderful surroundings. I feel I have learnt so much and I’ve truly enjoyed a simply stunning week. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!”

testimonial vignette

– Nick, UK