Wishing you all a great 2010. Hope you all create well this year, work hard & make real a few of your dreams.Sorry about the belated wishes. I’ve been very occupied off-line recently.
It’s been wonderful getting to know some fellow art bloggers & fellow art lovers over these last three years. Thanks for your comments & dialogue.
Quelques Hommages…
I take the pleasure of sharing with you a few images made in 2009 of ‘mes chers confréres et consœurs des bloggeurs d’art’. Please understand that this is only a personal selection & is very far from being complete, as we all know a lot of gems & jewels are forgotten, neglected & lost in the blogosphere.
Hommage à Cézanne
Huile sur toile
H. 1,8 ; L. 2,4 m
© ADAGP, Paris – photo RMN, Hervé Lewandowski
Giving homage to a fellow artist is a lovely French tradition, where the achievements & talent of an artist is celebrated by another artist. Sometimes by simply just painting a painting for that artist. Good old Maurice Denis 🙂
So here goes (in no particular order) :
The Colorist
Blue & Gray River
10″ x 14.5″
Casey Klahn
Hommage à Casey ‘fauve’ Klahn
Don’t miss the wisdom in Casey’s writings, sound advice & above all, the beauty in his images.
‘Sunlit Tree’
Oil on canvas, 30 x 30 cm, $US 200
Hommage à Vitali Komarov
Vitali seems to have gone ‘off-blog’ as a lot of exceptionally good & talented mid-career professional artists seem to do (lack of comments? lack of sales? lack of web visits? wrong idea about what art blogging is about? who knows?) … but what ever you do, do check out website. https://www.komarovart.com/
Loriann Signori
Lorainn Signori’s A Painting A Day
‘Uncompleted Dreams’
Hommage à Loriann Signori
I have never thought of myself as an activist or environmentalist, simply as an artist who loves the outdoors. This has changed since that one day when the bulldozers and big machines arrived in “my field.
I was deeply touched to read this, as it made feel less alone. As I write the trees along the banks of ‘my’ local little river are being cut down.
Hommage à Dawdlr
“dawdlr is a global community of friends and strangers answering one simple question: what are you doing, you know, more generally?
answers on a postcard please to:
dawdlr, 77 beak street, london, W1F 9DB
next update may 21st, 2010″
Both strange as only “the truth” can be as well as side-splitting arty, post-modernist web-based laughter.
Fàbio Cembranelli
Two Roses…/ Duas Rosas….
Roses 88, Watercolor, 22 x 15 inches, sold.
Rosas 88, Aquarela, 56 x 38 cm, vendida.
Hommage à Fàbio
This brazilan watercolourist is just going exponential. His art is getting stronger & stronger. Beautiful watercolours…that I confess spark a twinge of jealousy in me as he works incredibly hard, restricts himself to a limited repertoire of subjects, isn’t scared of digging deep into the same subject… & has reaped the benefits of a strict regime of ‘a painting a day’. He also has that lightest of touch & finesse de précision that great watercolours require – WOW!
Cathy Gatland
a sketch in time
Talking of Walks
Sketchbook, wc & pen
Hommage à Cathy Gatland
I love checking-in to read Cathy’s posts & to enjoy her very enjoyable images. Her writing is as clear & as generous as her drawing skills. Her blog is a rich mix of place (jo’burg, SA), family, gardens (ahh, those SA gardens!) & her blogging & art journey. And what’s more she sketches – YIPPEE! Cathy has embraced art blogging with verve, daring & intelligence. What progress! Sorry Cathy if this hommage seems a little bit teacherly ‘(we painted together in France a few years back ) but really, mes sinceres hommages.
Images en Périgord
banner collage (split into two two parts)
photo boguy
Hommage à Boguy
Ohh la la! Quels images! Quel phographie!
Boguy’s photos do justice to Périgord, SW France, the same part of the world where find both findselves. I refind our landscape through his photos but as if anew & from a slightly different viewpoint. He has a vision & it’s that vision that raises his photos to ‘art status’ IMO. His photos makes me pack my kit in the car & get out painting ASAP.On the technical level, my personal favourites are where he focuses on colour plus place. He’s something of a ‘fauve’ with a delicious use of heightened colour. To prove the point, here’s one of his non-place based photos, so that you can just enjoy the beauty of his artistry without having to know Périgord (aka Dordogne).
Frousfrous d’Iris
photo boguy