Watercolour. Quarter sheet Arches.
The view in landscape painting
Just carrying on with my rambling musings about ‘THE VIEW’ and previous painters…
Same view, again from September last, this time in a different medium. Walk the hills with my ‘confrérès’, other fellow artists who have painted the same landscape, the same paths & the same hills. Before me. Same view. Different vision? Well, up on the hill top, in Les Baux, I had visited le Musée ‘Yvés Brayer’ in the morning & so this is something of a hommage to another of my favourite painters. Those who have walked on this ground before me, who have made a path, their hearts & their hopes blowing in the wind, high above the hills, with the eagles.
Can we see the view without seeing previous artist’s paintings of the same view?
Yvés = Yvés Brayer